Step out of your comfort zone

During my twenties, someone told me in order to move forward in life I needed to step out of my comfort zone and face my fears. From that moment onwards I decided to make this a ruling principle in my life, and began to seek opportunities to implement what I learnt. When faced with a challenge I asked myself “Is this uncomfortable, is this a challenge for me”? If the answer was yes, I would step out of my comfort zone and do it. At that age, my earlier challenges’ were to manage a gym especially when I had no experience or management skills to do so, teach aerobics and or hold seminars. I was terrified to fail (back then, I didn’t know that there is no such thing as failure only new learning experiences) but I did it anyway. I would also try out new adventures, sports and primitive activities that I found difficult and challenging. Further on, I looked for opportunities to go on TV and Radio shows, and I even asked Paul Mckenna on a date as I found that extremely uncomfortable. Facing those challenges’ became easier after changing my mindset on failures, because if you can’t fail; your attitude to the challenge is altered. By time, I have seen how I’ve broadened my comfort zone, and how this simple exercise has both increased my confidence, and allowed me to experience things I wouldn’t have if I had always stayed in my comfort zone.

Search and explore for opportunities to step out of your comfort zone. Seek challenges on a weekly bases or even every day if you are able to. Once you start stepping out of your comfort zone; you will see your life transforming. You will experience fulfillment and excitement like never before, and the level of your confidence will rise to the sky. Think and imagine everything you are missing out on when you choose to stay isolated in your comfort zone!!!

Helga Marin

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