Workshops for healthcare professionals

From failure to success

10 steps to immediate and long-lasting success

Did you know that 95% of people who attempt to change their lifestyle fail?

Did you know that the reason for failure is not lack of knowledge or lack willpower?


Do you want to help your clients to become one of those 5% who succeed?

The reason why people fail is that people lack intrinsic motivation and get stuck in their emotional attachments and habitual behaviors.

Achieve breakthroughs with your clients by using the 10 step process sports psychologists use to ensure their client´s success. During this 8-hour course you will learn new and revolutionary tools taught in many psychology courses in universities around the globe. You will learn what drives people´s behaviors and their emotions, the difference between extrinsic and intrinsic motivation and how intrinsic motivation is the best way to ensure your clients success.  


In this 8-hour program you will learn:

  1. How to reprogram the subconscious mind with visualization and other tools. As it is the subconscious mind that controls 95% of our behaviours, emotions, thoughts and beliefs, this may be one of the most important aspect of the program.
  2. The power of habits (automatic behaviours) and how to harness that power to create healthy empowering habits.
  3. The difference between extrinsic and intrinsic motivation and how intrinsic motivation is the key to a long-term lifestyle change.
  4. How to use coaching techniques as a tool to motivate, empower and raise your clients’ self-esteem.
  5. How to intrinsically motivate your clients so that they feel excited about their lifestyle changes.
  6. How to work with your clients so that they never have to feel deprived, bored or discouraged.
  7. How to help your clients to manage their emotions and work through negative emotions that are holding them back from achieving their goals.
  8. How to help your clients to overcome obstacles on their journey towards success
  9. How to help your clients in forming positive neuro-associations towards eating healthily and exercising so that they can enjoy their new healthy lifestyle.
  10. A bullet proof goalsetting strategy that is designed to intrinsically motivate your clients to enjoy the journey towards success.
  11. How the mind can influence the health and the metabolism in both negative and positive way.

Author: Helga Marin Bergsteinsdottir

How to intrinsically motivate clients with coaching